- Personal Info
- Name: [Real life name]Bojan
Ingame name: [All your nicks]Carroll
Age: [Be honest]15
Country/State: [Your native country]Serbia
Languages: [lang's you speak fluently]serbian,english,little bit franch
- Gameplay
- Ping & FPS: [Average ping and fps]80
Textures/Additions: [Yes/No - If yes, mention 'em]
- Fighting
- RW/WW/Both: [what are you better at]RW-9 ,WW-7
Are you familiar with any SA:MP bugs: [Yes/No - if yes, write some]Yes,C-Bug,Slide bug,2 shoot,Faker car entery.
Your favourite weapon: [if you have any]sawnf,uzi
- Clan Experience
- Have you ever been in a clan before?: [Yes/No]Yes
If so, which clans were you in: [fill only if you answered 'yes' in the question above]Yes,VIP,187
Why did you leave them: [if answered 'yes']187 inactive then,VIP left.
Have you ever made a clan yourself: [Yes/No]Yes
Reason for closing: [if 'yes']I'm closed it because there were not enough members.
- 187
- Why do you want to join 187?: [Express your thoughts] Really i like him ,and i respec other players and i will be loyal!
Have you got to meet our members ingame?: [Yes/No]Ofc yes
Who did you see:Drugz,Yamamoto,Runey,Habdel,Elypro,Gamer
Are you willing to be loyal and wear our tag proudly everywhere?: [Honesty is your friend]Of course!
- Basic Knowledge
- When did the World War I start?:1914-1918
What's the capital of France?:Paris